Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Roseburg, Oregon Welcomes You!

After claiming we would be better about blogging once we got to Oregon, we have done a very poor job of meeting our promise.  But then again, things have been surprisingly busy.  Sebastian was an excellent traveller.  He barely made a peep during the entire flight across country!  Fred was also a fantastic traveller.  He stayed under the seat the entire trip and was easily transported here, there, and everywhere.  Getting to the airport was a bit stressful...  There were times when we doubted everything would fit in the car.  Somehow, everything worked out well.  Sebastian did manage to pee all over Matt in the airplane lavatory and he went through several outfit changes to get to our final destination.  The trip was certainly an event for the family.

Since arriving in Roseburg, we have had amazing weather.  Sebastian finally met his remaining grandparent, The Grand Poobah, Howard.  The Poobah and Nana have cooked up a storm and we have been enjoying home grown tomatoes, greens, beets, and eggs.  We have even taste tested both the Tempranillo and the Malbec grapes.  We are eaglerly awaiting the first harvest of Foon Estates' first season of grapes which will occur in a few weeks.  Everything has been fantastic.

On Sunday night, the Waltman clan arrived to see Foon Estates and to visit.  Everyone was coming from Matt and Audrey Waltman's wedding in Seattle.  Zaide, Bubie, Laurence, Joseph, Phyllis, and Taras showed up on Sunday night and Danny came to visit on Monday.  We had a great visit with everyone and even had the opportunity to hit up one of the local wineries for a tasting. 

Matt started his rotation at Mercy Medical Center on Tuesday.  His preceptor was nice enough to give Matt Monday off.  Unfortunately for Matt, STEMI (ST elevated MI) call starts tonight.  Let's all hope that no one decides to have a mycardial infarction tonight so that Matt can get some sleep. 

We have taken a ton of pictures over the past week.  I am going to include the highlights so that this post doesn't become excessive.

xo,  Matt, Anna and Sebastian

Sebastian and The Poobah

Poobah and Sebs

Jet lagged boys

Great Auntie Phyllis

Homegrown sunflower

Foon Estates at night

Sebastian meets Tilly

Great grandmother

Cousin Danny makes an appearance

The crew, missing Matt

The Waltman siblings and Sebastian

Laurence and Sebastian

Taras and Sebastian

Great gramps

Joseph and Sebs

Tilly and Sebastian, take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

There is something so honest about this picture...

Too much fun for one baby

Laurence, Joseph, Matt (with Sebastian), Taras, Phyllis, Howard, Bubie, Zadie, Marjorie
Anna, Danny, Django

Four generations and spouses

Mama and Daddy, baby, and the greats

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