Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Super Chunk!

I have been bad about putting up blog posts because I haven't taken any pictures lately.  Since Matt isn't home during the week and my mother isn't capable of seeing the camera without her glasses, picture taking has slowed.  But, we intend to do a MASSIVE photoshoot this weekend. 

In the meantime, it is high time for an update.  Sebastian went to the doctor on Tuesday for a one month well-baby visit.  His stats at five weeks are as follows:

Weight: 9 lbs 9 oz!  (35th percentile); percentage weight gain: 43%
Height: 21.5 in (39th percentile)
Head circumfrance: 14.5 in (10th percentile)

Since his umbilical cord fell off several weeks ago but the area wasn't completely healed, the doctor decided to apply a little silver nitrate to the area.  When Matt saw the result later that night he had a major daddy freak out.  His response was something along the lines of, "What kind of a hack did you take our baby to?!  He is not going back!!"  He has calmed down slightly and I assure everyone that Sebastian is perfectly fine.  This mama grizzly bear does not come close to Daddy Grizzly!

We have a ton of visitors on deck for the next few weeks which is very exciting.  With any luck, we will have much better photographic documentation.  Photos will be posted soon!

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