Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend Happenings

While we haven't been getting out much (barely at all, actually) we managed to make it over to our friends Erica and Eric's (E1 and E2) for dinner last night.  The Es welcomed baby Echo Cadence into the world on August 30th, a mere 21 hours before Sebastian arrived.  Damn you Erica!  You may have  won this round but we will beat you next time...  We got a few shots of the Sebs and his buddy, Echo, with the new proud parents.  I will get the pictures up as soon as I figure out where I put the camera. 

Also, it has been brought to my attention that I failed to put up Sebastian's stats.  I honestly can't remember what I did and didn't tell any given person so I will post everything on the site.  Just remind me to do so because my memory ain't what it used to be!

Arrival Tuesday, August 31 at 12:07pm
Weight: 6 lbs 11.6 oz
Height: 20 inches (but the peditrician demoted him to 19 in when he was remeasured a few days later)
IQ:  Off the freaking charts

Nana Feldman is arriving today!  She was scheduled to arrive in a few days but due to an emotional outburst by Matt (okay... maybe it wasn't Matt), she decided to bump up her arrival by a few days.  Admittedly, it has been much harder to make it through the past 5 days without family than I had every imagined it would be.  We are really looking forward to having some help and support.  My grandparents, Zaide and Bubie Waltman, as well as Great Uncle Laurence will also be coming for a visit today.  And, Grandma and Grandpa Dooley will be out on the 17th.  We can't wait to see everyone.

Love and screaming,

Sababy (Our new favorite nickname for Sebastian coined by Auntie Breanne's father), Papa and Mama Bear

Erica, Eric, Echo, Anna and Sebastian

Tufts Med School M'11- Way to reproduce!

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