Saturday, March 19, 2011

Swimming Sebastian

Sebastian had his first swimming "lesson" today.  The lesson consisted of 30 minutes of splashing, kicking, and pool water drinking (ugh).  I think he had a pretty good time.  He really enjoyed watching the other babies.  While he doesn't always kick consistently, he does have a pretty fierce butterfly kick.  He appears to be a natural born swimmer.  Sebastian's friend, Echo, was also in swim class.  We aren't exactly sure what was going on but Echo's hands and feet were turning purple!  Erica, Echo's mom, said Echo has been in the pool before and this has never happened.  We are hoping it was just a fluke because we wanted Sebastian and Echo to be on the swim team together!

In other news, we had a great time at the Tufts' Medical School Gala last night.  Since this is Sebastian's blog and we want to keep everything PG, we aren't going to post pictures from our night on the town.  Matt needed a night out with friends after the match.  Sebastian stayed home with the babysitter and was very well behaved.  He slept which was the plan.  All in all, a very successful weekend.  We are looking forward to brunch tomorrow with Zoe, Walid and Sienna.  On a funny note, Matt had a realization today...  Walid is going to be the chief surgical resident at Lahey next year and Matt will be a lowly intern.  I hope Walid doesn't beat up on Matt too much.

Practicing the crawl

Back stroke

Baby swim-off

At some point, Sebs decided he like the taste of chlorine

Echo post-blueberry stage

Erica and Echo

Mommies and babies

Sebastian's first trip to the ice cream parlor... He couldn't decide on his flavor

Trying out his spring wardrobe

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