Monday, January 17, 2011

New day, new toy!

This might be a short little post because Sebastian has already been asleep for nearly an hour so I am anticipating a wake up shortly...  Literally, as I typed that I started hearing whimpering.  Let's see how long I can go before the little man helps me finish the blog entry.  Okay, 5 seconds it is...  So, now I am typing while Sebastian is on the couch, kicking me in the ribs.

The big news of the day is that Sebastian is now the proud owner of a Jumperoo!  For those who are unfamiliar with ridiculous baby gear, a Jumperoo is a standing. jumping toy for a baby to hang out in for hours.  At first Sebastian was a little freaked out by all of the noises, lights, and toys.  Now he is learning to love it.  He LOVES being upright so he is getting the idea that jumping is a fun thing to do as well. 

Due to the snow storm last week, our 4 months pediatrician visit got rescheduled.  We will, finally, be going to the doctor tomorrow afternoon.  I am guessing Sebastian is going to weigh somewhere between 15 and 17 pounds.  I will post the results of the weigh-in tomorrow.

Matt has, yet again, left us for the night.  He is in Philadelphia completing the second part of his step 2 board exams.  We certainly hope he passes!!!  But then again, we KNOW he will.  Unfortunately, he got sick last night so he wasn't feeling well when he got on the plane.  Hopefully, he will feel well tomorrow in time to take the exam (and in time to come home before he gets us sick too!). 

Will someone PLEASE post a comment?!  I am starting to feel like I am writing a blog purely for my own amusement.
Brunch with the Coffins

Does this baby look like a world leader?

Daddy is so weird

Echo with her daddy (who is also weird)


  1. Yes Anna, I read the blog...and Matt's not that weird :) Sebastian looks kind of concerned in that contraption. I'm glad he figured out that it wasn't a torture device! Xo

  2. That is a really weird ID that I posted under. I thought it would say Breanne. Sorry about that!

  3. Ps: excellent use of the pathophys text!

  4. Checking in. Love the addition of echo pics in this edition. Personally I prefer to use my surgery texts for this purpose.

  5. I was waiting for someone to realize that that was Fred's patho book. We used to use it to keep his feeder closed. :)
