Saturday, January 8, 2011

Did someone say 2011?!

Wow, long time no blog...  We have been busy settling into being back in Massachusetts.  Matt had a long weekend and New Years off before heading back into the final stretch of rotations.  This month is going to be fairly brutal with very few days off.  On the agenda: Emergency Medicine at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, a trip to St. Louis for an interview, a trip to Arizona for an interview, and two home interviews in Boston.  Needless to say, Sebastian and I will be holding down the fort in Medford!

Sebastian and I started a mommy/baby group this week at Isis Maternity in Arlington.  We are learning songs, a little sign language, and reading books.  It has been nice to meet other mothers and babies as well.  This week, Sebastian was, as always, the happiest baby on the block.  He was giggling at the instructor and smiling at all of the other mothers.  He is such a good little guy.

In terms of Sebastian's new achievements...  Boy oh boy is he getting heavy!  When I picked him up this morning I thought, "Good grief!  Whose baby are you?!"  Matt also commented that he seemed much heavier today.  He did take down 7 oz last night which was a new record.  Sleeping through the night continues to be a work in progress.  Ugh...  Sometimes he does wonderfully and at other times it is brutal.  Unfortunately, we have been on a brutal streak lately.  We are beginning to consider moving him into the other bedroom as we are beginning to think that we might be waking him up when we get in bed and that he might be waking us up when he is merely readjusting.  Matt and I almost feel guilty and sad that we are considering the move.  However, a few more nights like last and the kid might be sleeping on the porch!

As always, picture taking halts with our busy lives.  We will be better!!

Happy New Year everyone!!  We are hoping that 2011 brings great things for our family and for everyone else.

A few last snuggles with Bube before leaving for home

Paparazzi again!

Making advances with grabbing EVERYTHING

Drop the rings off the side... Mommy picks up the rings, repeat

Now drop the rings off the other side...

Still loving bath time with Mom

Special bath time hair

Check out the chunk on this baby!!

Slobbering in the tub

"Ugh, tummy time is so annoying..."


Sebastian's new favorite face

Moments before needing a nap

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