Monday, January 24, 2011

Lazy Monday

There is not a lot to report on our end.  I have been sick lately, an illness passed down from Matt.  Hopefully, Sebastian will not be the next receipent of the crud.  He hasn't been sick yet so I am hoping, hoping he can make it through this long, cold New England winter without getting a nasty bug.  I have heard that getting sick in the first 6 months actually helps little guys in terms of allergies and immunity in the long-run but I don't think I would be able to take it.  I hate to see him upset!

We will be introducing cereal at 5 months which is very exciting (at least for me... Sebastian doesn't know it's coming, obviously).  I can't wait to see how he reacts to all of the new textures and flavors of solid foods!  I have also heard that our laundry is about to increase exponentially.  We will be sure to get great pictures of him spitting out his food soon enough. 

Just a few pictures of the little guy over the past few days...
More hugs by Mom

A brief look at the camera

Loving his new toy

Story time with Daddy

Mom is distracting with the camera

Back to business

"Please be my friend, Fred."

"Look!  I am almost crawling to him!"

"Here kitty, kitty..."


"Seriously, come here, kitty..."


"My plan isn't working..."

"Fine... I will just stay here then."

"But some day, I will chase you down!"


  1. Sebastian loves Fred these days. He gets so excited when he sees him, he does these weird movements that look like a seizure. Fred does not like Sebastian. Due to developing fine motor skills, attempts at petting are closer to punching, squeezing, twisting, etc.
