Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sebastian's first Halloween

We had a rather uneventful week leading up to Halloween.  Sebastian did a lot of sleeping.  In fact, he had 3 consecutive nights of sleeping 7 hours!  Of course, the 4th night (last night) was horrible but, hey, we celebrate our small victories even if they are short-lived.  I managed to take a few pictures of Sebastian and Fred in their respective attire made by Jazz Cisneros.  Technically, her name is "Jas" but I think "Jazz" is more fun.  :)  Note: Fred is a good sport.  He tolerates dress-up and hasn't fought back yet.

Sebastian and I were very glad to have Matt home for the weekend.  We all enjoyed a delicious welcome home dinner on Friday prepared by Nana Marjorie.  Nana and The Poobah went to Ashland, OR for a wedding on Saturday so the Dooley family was left alone for the evening.  We didn't burn the house down so we are considering the night a success.  Sebastian got into his Halloween costume this morning but spent the majority of the morning eating, sleeping, and cranking so we couldn't get any pictures until this afternoon/evening.  Thankfully, the outfit remained relatively spit-up-free!  Matt headed back to Portland after we took our Halloween pictures.  Again, we all miss him already.

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