Great grandparents, Irving and Frances Waltman, and great uncle, Laurence, came to see Sebastian yesterday. And, Nana Marjorie arrived to meet her first grandchild. Julian- If you are reading this, Mom and Dad said Matt and I are getting everything because we produced the first grandchild. In your face! But, we are generously going to give you all of Dad's debt, a tractor, and a shotgun for use on rodents.
We had a lovely visit with everyone. Sebastian was on his best behavior (he slept the entire time and made adoreable faces). Everyone had the opportunity to meet the most peaceful baby on the block. Matt and I were watching the scene thinking, "Perfect. He is going to be a terror tonight." I explained to Nana that Sababy's witching hour appears to be between 11pm and 2am. When we went to bed, I put Nana on the ready to deal with Sebastian's crying at some point during the night. To our complete dismay, Sebastian barely let out a peep all night. We woke him for feedings and he quickly quieted down afterwards and went back to sleep.
Nana, Sebastian and I are now sitting on the couch while Papa Bear enjoys the luxury of sleeping in. Although I have promised Matt that I will not post pictures (they are really bad), he has been having horrible hives on and off again for the past month or so. Last night was particularly horrible so we are giving him the chance to sleep and feel better. Poor Daddy, or as The Grand Poobah (Howard) likes to call Matt, "Puff Daddy."
Three generations... We totally dropped the ball and didn't take a four generation shot. Oops! |
Great grandparents and Sebastian |
Zaide, Laurence, and SHD |
Bubie and Sebastian |
Anna: I'm so glad your keeping up this blog. I absolutely love the photos the Waltman clan with baby Seb! And by the way, have I mentioned that you look marvelous? Love, Francesca