Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dooleys' Visit, etc.

Papa Mike and Bube (pronouced "Bubbie") Claudia arrived in Boston yesterday to visit Sebastian.  Nana Marjorie left for West Hartford to visit with Bubie and Zadie Waltman for Yom Kippur.  Nana will be back on Sunday so that we can all have dinner together on Sunday night.  Papa and Bube will head back to St. Louis on Monday and Matt and I will start to pack for our two month trip to Oregon.  We are pleased to report that Fred appears to be improving, finally!!!  He has gone over 36 hours without vomiting (a dramatic improvement from his 2-3 times daily puke fest).  
Three generations

Ladies with Sebastian
Bube, Matt, Papa, and Sebastian

Matt and I have been staying up all hours as we continue our attempts to adjust to Sebastian's ever changing sleep wake cycle.  As of late, Sebastian sleeps a good 4-5 hours (usually from about 11:30p-4am or so) and then torments us from 4am until 10am.  Fortunately, Matt and I work as a good team... We trade off duties entertaining Sebastian and changing diapers.  The whole process is pretty freaking exhausting.  However, there are many wonderful aspects of parenthood as well which make the the process worthwhile.  We are amazed at how quickly our baby boy is growing.  His head is so big now, he already can't wear hats that fit him last week!!  He is rapidly becoming stronger and stronger as well.  He can kick himself up the changing table and he can do push ups on Daddy's chest.  He is going to be a big, strong boy for sure.  We are excited to watch the process unfold as he grows and becomes his own little person.

I am including a hodge podge of random pictures collected over the past week.  Enjoy!
Mr. Perfect Puss

Fred is starting to feel like himself again!  Yay!
Bath time with Mommy
Suave Sebastian
Mommy and her clean little boy
Sebastian's huge hands with Daddy's finger

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