Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa and Nana!!

Sebastian wishes his Papa Mike and Nana Marjorie the best of birthday wishes today.  He promises he will never, ever forget their birthdays in the future. 

Today and yesterday were pretty calm days although Sebs did have a feeding frenzy of sorts last night.  We spent a lot of time in the house but Matt and I were able to take a little walk around the block yesterday which was really nice.  Nana watched Sebastian while we were gone so that the new parents could get a little bit of alone time.  Fall is definitely coming to New England.  The days are getting shorter and the air is crisp.  Within a mere few days, we have gone from trying to keep Sebastian cool enough to trying to keep him warm enough. 

Baby boy is definitely filling in a wee bit.  His arms are getting a little meat on them and he already looks bigger, although he is still definitely a peanut.  He slept through his first Rosh Hashanah dinner last night.  Nana, Matt, and I had a delicious meal prepared by Nana which included plenty of honey, apples, and wine.  We wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.

I am including a few photos of Matt, Sebs and I hanging at home.  Nana went to services today so she missed the photoshoot.  Sebastian is going to attempt his first trip to a restaurant tonight.  He will be in his Moby wrap.  Wish all of us (and the other diners) good luck on tihs one!!

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