Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Babyfest 2011

Sebastian has an ever-expanding group of playmates!  This past weekend we had the opportunity to meet Dave and Sharon Delman's son, Jules.  Jules was born in October.  Due to everyone's busy schedules, we hadn't had the opportunity to meet the little guy until just now.  Jules' joins his proud older sister Joni as being one of the cutest kids in town! 

In other news, Sebastian did NOT watch the Superbowl.  Everyone keeps asking us this!  Considering that his bedtime is somewhere around 7-8pm, late night activities don't exactly work. 

Speaking of late night activities, Matt mentioned in the last post that we were in the process of weaning Sebastian's first night feeding.  I am proud to report that progress has been made!  The first two nights were brutal.  Asking Sebastian to go to bed without food had a similar response as pulling off his toenails.  The first night he screamed for about 1 hour and 40 minutes (on and off).  The second night he screamed for closer to 2 hours.  But last night, amazingly, he woke up at the same time but was back asleep in 10 minutes.  While I acknowledge that last night may have been a fluke, I am hoping we are getting somewhere. 

In about a week or so, we will be introducing veggies!  So, pictures of green and orange regurgitation will be coming your way shortly.

As a side note for all of our devoted fans, please do not take it personally if we aren't responding to emails, phone calls, etc. quickly.  I am trying to be a good mother and housewife during the day (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.) and I am also trying to study for my Adult Nurse Practitioner exam at night.  Needless to say, I feel as though I am spread rather thinly.  Bare with us, we are getting there.

-Mommy out

Dave, Sharon and Joni with Sebastian

Anna (with Sebastian) and Dave (with Jules)

Dads with their sons

Do all babies have this hairline?

Joni and Jules

Erica with Echo and Joni

Erica, Echo, Matt, Sebastian, Joni, Jules and Sharon

An elusive good photo of Erica... ha ha... just kidding :)

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