Sunday, November 21, 2010

Catching up

We are now back in Roseburg.  Matt finished his rotation at OHSU on Thursday so we drove back to Roseburg that evening.  I'd like to say I explored Portland but I really didn't have the opportunity.  Sebastian and I spent a lot of time relaxing together during the days while Matt was at the hospital.  We were dog sitting for a friend of a friend so we did spend a good deal of time walking the dog and getting fresh air.  Sebastian actually likes the rain!  He didn't love getting licked by the dog but he tolerated it.

The last night we were in Portland, we stayed at a rather nice hotel.  Since it was Sebastian's first experience in a hotel, I thought we should stay somewhere fun.  We stayed at a beautiful place in  Northwest Portland.  Sebastian joined us for happy hour in the lounge where we had a delicious dinner.  Unfortunately, Sebastian may have kept up the neighbors during the night.  He also felt the need to urinate on the carpet in our room...  Oops.

The only pictures I was able to snap were taken from my phone.  And, I have a few photos to add that were taken right before we left for Portland.  I promise we will take a lot of pictures this week when everyone is visiting.

Someone else decided he liked the mobile

Sebastian and Poobah with their matching hairstyles

Giggling duo

Smiling for the camera

Shaking my elephant rattle

Enjoying the king size bed in the hotel

Sebastian's fish

Dad's eating, Sebs isn't looking but we try...

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