Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day

I think those two words say it all... SNOW DAY!  And, if anyone has been watching the news, apparently our snow is worthy of national recognition today.  I am not sure what the actual accumulation is outside but it has to be around a foot since we went to bed last night.  Matt was supposed to be on a flight to St. Louis today for an interview at Saint Louis University but weather did not permit.  After canceling his first flight and rescheduling him on another for later today, Southwest ultimately decided that even later flights would not be leaving Boston.  Unfortunately, SLU hasn't been the most understanding about our little weather problem so we don't know if rescheduling this interview will be possible.  On a positive note, we are happy to have Daddy home for the day!!  

We took this opportunity to snap a number of photos of Sebastian in the snow.  Many thanks to our neighbors, Pete and Jen, for assisting in the photo shoot.  While Sebastian has been around for snow before, this was his first chance to actually go out in it and put his feet down (so to speak).  He actually seemed to really enjoy the bright white scenery and he loved the fresh air.  Sebs is going to be a genuine outdoors guy when he grows up!  (See pictures below).

Last night was an experiment in sleep insanity.  We moved Sebastian to his own room (right across the hall) a few nights ago.  After I got over my hysteria, we all slept fairly decently the first night.  Last night was a little off though.  I think I might have made the little guy a little overtired by bringing him out to dinner with friends last night.  Even though we were home by 8:45p, Sebastian seemed overtired.  After many attempts to get him down which resulted in 2 minutes of sleep following by crying, I decided to try something new.  I decided that he could "cry it out" for a while so that he could work on his self-soothing skills.  Since he is a big hand/thumb/fist sucker, I decided I would also try a night without his swaddle to see if he could calm himself by sucking.  Leaving out the horrible details... he cried a lot, made me fairly frantic, and didn't sleep as well as I would have liked.  Grrr... thank you sleep training.... you stink!  But, Sebastian was smiley and sweet this morning, despite Mommy's sleep torture experiment.  So, the sleep saga continues.

Sebastian reading his book at the table

Daddy and little man

Taking a look around
Standing in snow for the first time

Our classic, Baby Gothic

Snow angel

Sebastian with Jen and Pete

They look more serious than we did

View from our porch

The street AFTER plowing!

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