Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Four month pediatrician's visit, finally!!

Sebastian finally made it to the pediatrician!!  After a snow cancellation last week, things weren't looking good today either (snow and freezing rain) but we still made it in.  Unfortunately, I forgot the camera (boo)!  I will post his stats below and I will try to take some new pictures either later today or tomorrow.

SHD ~ at 20 weeks

Height: 25.75 inches (66th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz (41st percentile)
Head circumference: 42.5 cm (44th percentile)

I can't remember the exact percentiles or numbers from his 2 month visit but I seem to think that he has gone up considerably in height and head circumference but that his weight percentile has dropped somewhat.  Not surprisingly, Sebs looks like he is going to be tall and thin.  Yet again, he is taking after his daddy.

We finally met Sebastian's real pediatrician.  She is fantastic!  She was really great with him.  He smiled and talked to her the entire time.  He really, really, really was not a fan of the immunizations this time around.  He screamed bloody murder!  But, he did calm down fairly quickly.

Sebastian's goals as of 4.5 months:

Sleep through the night (at least a 6 hour stretch)
Get into the crib "sleepy yet awake"
Roll from back to tummy
Find a way to woo Fred
Take over the world