Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lazy Thursday

Today was another uneventful day in Roseburg.  It was rather foggy and rainy so Sebastian and I entertained ourselves around the house.  Aside from catching up on all of this season's episodes of Glee, we also caught an episode of the Jersey Shore (so, so terrible), and had a mini photoshoot.  Since Matt left for Portland with my laptop, I am dependent on using The Poobah's computer to upload pictures.  As soon as The Poobah takes a break from his slide presentation on the merits of carotid stenting, I will get a few pictures up.  Hopefully, I will get the pictures up late tonight or early tomorrow... but, don't hold your breath... The Poobah is in the zone at the moment.

Daddy-o will be home from Portland for the weekend as of tomorrow.  We are looking forward to having him back!  Mommy is looking forward to sharing diaper duty (or, doodie... he he).  We are also eagerly anticipating Sebastian's first Halloween!!  Sebs will not be trick-or-treating this year.  We are going to give him at least a year to get some teeth before we start rotting them out. 

Fred has been the real trouble maker of the family lately.  He insists upon sleeping on the changing table (he is now being locked out of the room), he has been on every counter and/or surface with breakable objects, and he is constantly brawling with the other cats.  He sure is being obnoxious.  I did force him to participate in today's photoshoot though.  This cat will be tortured for his wrong-doings. 


Worst cat EVER

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