Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friends and more

We had a wonderful weekend.  One of my oldest and dearest friends, Mae Lee, came to visit from Southern California.  She took a bunch of wonderful pictures of Sebastian.  The weather was goregous and the company was even better.  Matt, Sebastian, and I drove up to Eugene on Saturday to pick up Mae Lee at the airport where we met our friend, Sarah, for lunch.  We enjoyed a wonderful lunch in Eugene and we explored a fantastic local bakery!  Oregon is really quite spectacular in the fall.

Matt is now in his last week of a four week cardiology rotation in Roseburg.  He will begin his neurology rotation at OHSU (Oregon Health and Science University in Portland) on Monday.  We are all excited for Matt to get to know the OHSU neurology program and its faculty; however, we are all sad to think of the prospect of having Daddy gone for four weeks!!  We hope that Matt will come back to Roseburg on the weekends but we don't know anything about his call schedule yet. 

Sebastian continues to grow every day.  While in Eugene, we saw a 5 month old baby who was Sababy's size!  The 5 month old's grandmother remarked, "Well, not all babies are the same size.  Someone has to play football."  I responded, "You can look for our son in the orchestra because he will NOT be concusing himself on the football field."  Sebastian can do anything he likes as long as it isn't football. 

Enjoy our pictures from the weekend!

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