Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sebastian's first Halloween

We had a rather uneventful week leading up to Halloween.  Sebastian did a lot of sleeping.  In fact, he had 3 consecutive nights of sleeping 7 hours!  Of course, the 4th night (last night) was horrible but, hey, we celebrate our small victories even if they are short-lived.  I managed to take a few pictures of Sebastian and Fred in their respective attire made by Jazz Cisneros.  Technically, her name is "Jas" but I think "Jazz" is more fun.  :)  Note: Fred is a good sport.  He tolerates dress-up and hasn't fought back yet.

Sebastian and I were very glad to have Matt home for the weekend.  We all enjoyed a delicious welcome home dinner on Friday prepared by Nana Marjorie.  Nana and The Poobah went to Ashland, OR for a wedding on Saturday so the Dooley family was left alone for the evening.  We didn't burn the house down so we are considering the night a success.  Sebastian got into his Halloween costume this morning but spent the majority of the morning eating, sleeping, and cranking so we couldn't get any pictures until this afternoon/evening.  Thankfully, the outfit remained relatively spit-up-free!  Matt headed back to Portland after we took our Halloween pictures.  Again, we all miss him already.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lazy Thursday

Today was another uneventful day in Roseburg.  It was rather foggy and rainy so Sebastian and I entertained ourselves around the house.  Aside from catching up on all of this season's episodes of Glee, we also caught an episode of the Jersey Shore (so, so terrible), and had a mini photoshoot.  Since Matt left for Portland with my laptop, I am dependent on using The Poobah's computer to upload pictures.  As soon as The Poobah takes a break from his slide presentation on the merits of carotid stenting, I will get a few pictures up.  Hopefully, I will get the pictures up late tonight or early tomorrow... but, don't hold your breath... The Poobah is in the zone at the moment.

Daddy-o will be home from Portland for the weekend as of tomorrow.  We are looking forward to having him back!  Mommy is looking forward to sharing diaper duty (or, doodie... he he).  We are also eagerly anticipating Sebastian's first Halloween!!  Sebs will not be trick-or-treating this year.  We are going to give him at least a year to get some teeth before we start rotting them out. 

Fred has been the real trouble maker of the family lately.  He insists upon sleeping on the changing table (he is now being locked out of the room), he has been on every counter and/or surface with breakable objects, and he is constantly brawling with the other cats.  He sure is being obnoxious.  I did force him to participate in today's photoshoot though.  This cat will be tortured for his wrong-doings. 


Worst cat EVER

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bye bye Daddy

We said goodbye to Matt (temporarily) on Sunday.  Matt left for his Neurology rotation in Portland at OHSU (Oregon Health and Science University).  He will be completing a four week stint with the Stroke Neurology service.  While we were very sad to see him go, he will probably be coming home on weekends.  Sebastian and I keep reminding ourselves that four weeks really isn't that long.  I am also pleased to announced that Matt was invited to interview at OHSU for his residency!!  So far Matt has been invited on six interviews which is fantastic.  Sebastian is very proud of his daddy. 

All remains status quo at Chez Foon (The Feldman estate).  We had our first official harvest today... hooray!  Despite horrible bird pressure on all agriculture in the area, Foon Estate had a decent first harvest.  I was out picking grapes in the mud today.  The experience was fun but much more difficult than expected.  I am also very thankful that I am up to date on my tetanus shot because I took a few chops out of my index finger (ouch) with the clippers.  Yay for first harvest and big YAY for free booze! 

We received the most amazing gift from Jazz Cisneros yesterday.  Jazz is the mother of our good friend and former roommate, Breanne.  Jazz made Sebastian a quilt, matching crib sheet and bumper, a bib (with a matching "Big Brother" harness for Fred), booties, and a teddy bear with a matching robe.  The entire package was fantastic.  We have received so many thoughtful gifts over the past few months.  We are very appreciative of everyone's kindess.  Please be advised... thank you notes are trickling out slowly... especially those Matt is supposed to be writing.  :)  We will get there!

I am getting worse and worse about taking pictures... Ahhh!  I will try to be better.

Love to all!

Sebastian is awake but Mom isn't...

Before Matt had to leave... boo hoo

Saying goodbye to baby for the week

Booties, quilt and teddy bear from Jazz

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friends and more

We had a wonderful weekend.  One of my oldest and dearest friends, Mae Lee, came to visit from Southern California.  She took a bunch of wonderful pictures of Sebastian.  The weather was goregous and the company was even better.  Matt, Sebastian, and I drove up to Eugene on Saturday to pick up Mae Lee at the airport where we met our friend, Sarah, for lunch.  We enjoyed a wonderful lunch in Eugene and we explored a fantastic local bakery!  Oregon is really quite spectacular in the fall.

Matt is now in his last week of a four week cardiology rotation in Roseburg.  He will begin his neurology rotation at OHSU (Oregon Health and Science University in Portland) on Monday.  We are all excited for Matt to get to know the OHSU neurology program and its faculty; however, we are all sad to think of the prospect of having Daddy gone for four weeks!!  We hope that Matt will come back to Roseburg on the weekends but we don't know anything about his call schedule yet. 

Sebastian continues to grow every day.  While in Eugene, we saw a 5 month old baby who was Sababy's size!  The 5 month old's grandmother remarked, "Well, not all babies are the same size.  Someone has to play football."  I responded, "You can look for our son in the orchestra because he will NOT be concusing himself on the football field."  Sebastian can do anything he likes as long as it isn't football. 

Enjoy our pictures from the weekend!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cannons make good neighbors!

I am feeling inspired by the sound of cannons in the not so distant distance...  The Poobah had a cannon installed on the property yesterday to combat the continuous assault on the grapes.  Apparently, this is a particularly bad year for birds.  It should surprise no one to hear that the cannons are a wee bit obnoxious.  And, it should also surprise no one to hear that the cannons instantly made us everyone's favorite neighbor!  Only one more week until harvest and then all of the madness can stop... until next year.

Despite the loud banging everyone 1-2 minutes, Sebastian is sleeping like a champ.  He has now been asleep for over 6.5 hours straight!!  I started checking his breathing every 5 minutes once he hit the 5 hour mark.  I don't delude myself into thinking this behavior will last.  From what I have heard from friends, one night of sleep is easily made up for by three nights of torture.  So... yeah, we are rolling with the punches.  Just as I type this, I hear Sebastian screaming in the bedroom.  Now I'm typing one-handed with baby.

We had a week of firsts...  First night away from Daddy!  Matt went to Portland for a case with Howard.  First quasi tantrum in public.  First attempts at 5+ hours of sleep.  Sebastian is still working on composing his first symphony.

I am including some pics of mommy and baby hanging out during the day.  Somehow Sebastian has had multiple wardrobe changes before I can even get out of my pajamas.