Saturday, April 2, 2011

Swimming with Daddy

Sebastian had his second swimming lesson today.  Daddy brought Sebastian in the pool this time so I was given the duty of taking photos.  It is surprisingly difficult to get good pictures of our little fishy!  Yet again, Sebastian had a wonderful time in the water.  He is now taking a nice long nap to recover from all the exercise and ingested pool water. 

Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this in yesterday's post...  Sebastian has, miraculously, turned a major corner in terms of his sleep!  He now sleeps 9-12 hours straight.  He has actually made it from 7p-6a (or even 7a) a few times this week.  When he does wake up, he wakes up only once (usually around 4am), eats, and goes right back to bed.  Now, if Mommy and Daddy were smart, they would start going to bed before midnight.

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