Sunday, December 19, 2010

Picture update

We are in St. Louis for Christmas!  We just landed yesterday.  Sebastian was excellent on the plane... He is quite the little traveller.  He sleeps for the majority of the flight, eats, smiles at the people in the aisle and then sleeps again.  Boy are we lucky.  Before we left Boston, we attended the Robertson's annual holiday party.  Sebastian met his new friend Meredith.  Since he is such a casa nova, he reached out to hold her hand.  She cried.  Below I am including a few random pictures we took while in Boston.  I hope to be updating with tons of pictures from St. Louis soon.

Sebastian still loves bath time...

Celebrating Festivus

Matt and Sebastian with Ali and Meredith
Trying to grab Meredith's hand

Moments before the crying

A special visit from great-grandparents and Great-Uncle Laurence

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